From left to right, Anna Falanga (Scientific Director), Francesco Gusmini (Biology Researcher), Giovanna Terzi Bosatelli (Vice President) and Roberta Sestini (President).
Thanks to the generosity of the participants in the Charity Dinner of last November 2019, and thanks to the donations of our supporting members and partners, Fondazione ARTET Onlus is able to award a 1-year Fellowship of €18,000 to Francesco GUSMINI (biologist), to work as a Researcher at the Division of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine of the Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII of Bergamo.
Francesco will be involved in an important research project, also supported by our Foundation, named the “HYPERCAN Study”. In particular, Francesco will try to identify thrombotic markers able to anticipate the diagnosis of cancer in healthy subjects.
Our best wishes to Francesco. Great work!